Australian Capital Territory (ACT)

The "ACT" is a tiny island of Federal Terriority within New South Wales. It contains Canberra as a city within it, but as Canberra is a large city geographically, and the ACT small, most Australians use the two names to mean the same thing.

Canberra is a beautifully planned city. It is nestled in amongst a range of hills, and the city plans keep the suburbs hidden in the valleys between the hills with no housing or buildings on the hills themselves. This means that throughout Canberra you seem to be looking at a small suburb in the bush.

Some of the key photographic locations in Canberra are:

  1. (New) Parliment House
  2. Old Parliment House
  3. Red Hill Lookout
  4. Mount Ainslie Lookout
  5. Shepherds Lookout
  6. Mt Pleasant Lookout
  7. Mount Franklin
  8. Square Rock Trail
  9. Gibraltar Falls
  10. Mount Painter Lookout
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    Auspano has specifically been set up to create large Australian Panoramic Images. The work is intended to show the 'real Australia' instead of tourist focussed images.

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    Australian Travels

    Photographing Australia requires travelling Australia. This sub-site is dedicated to how and where we travel, and what lessons we learn.

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    Traveling Australia requires a vehicle that go anywhere, self recover, and accomodate two adults. We chose a Unimog, and this site details how we modified it to suit our purposes.


Auspano is an Australian Panoramic Landscape Photography business within Advanced Control Concepts Pty Ltd. Advanced Control Concepts Pty Ltd is a diverse company, but with a background in Project Management Services. Jenny and Geoff Barton are the Auspano photographers.


Advanced Control Concepts Pty Ltd