Photographing Rutledge Lane

About Rutledge Lane

Rutledge Lane

About the Lane

Rutledge Lane is a U shaped alley in the middle of Hosier Lane. Most Melbournians just consider it part of Hosier Lane.



The Lane is only about 100 metres long, and it is on a gentle slope. Most of the buildings on the lane present a wall onto the lane and it is these walls that provide the canvas for the art. As 100 metres of sloping canvas, virtually anywhere along the lane can provide a good shot of the walls. There is rarely sunshine into this alley, so basically any daylight hours, at any time of the year this alley will provide vibrant photo opportunities. And if you dont like it today, come back in a week!

  1. Rear of Lane. Surprisingly, this shot is not over saturaturated. The artists have actually used brilliant colours (all over) for their work. This shot shows the sort of image that I was aiming for: golden sky in the windows, with purple fringes, and some light from the building lights giving that 'lived in look'. (Canon 5DmkII, EF16-35mm f2.8 II lens @ 16mm 25 sec f20 ISO 100)
    Rutledge Lane Melbourne Artwork Street Art
  2. From side.
  3. <

How I photographed Rutledge Lane

What I took - what was in my kit

I took my LowePro Backpack loaded with Linhof Technorama with Velvia 50 film for the panorama, and Canon 5DSR body, Canon 24 mm TS, Canon 16-35mm and 50mm Sigma Art Lenses, Manfrotto 190 Tripod, and of course a range of lens wipes, spare batteries, sunscreen and bug repellant.


The lane has many varied options depending on the artwork. This means that virtually no special techniques are required, while many can be used. I simply photographed it.

Other things to look out for

Nearby to Esrkine Falls are the Staw Falls, Splitter Falls, Cumberland Falls, Sheoak Falls, Upper and Lower Kalimna Falls, Won Wondah Falls, Henderson Falls, Cora Lynn cascades and finally the Phantom Falls. In addition for waterfalls, there is the is the beach, surf, and a range of tourist attractions.

The area is a temperate rainforest, with a range of interesting plants and wildlife. Jenny loves photographing the various fungi that can be found in these places

Otway waterfall


Rutledge Lane (-37.816457 144.968822)

How to get there

How to get there

Hosier Lane is just off Flinders St in Melbourne. It is probably two blocks from Flinders St Station.

Best time to visit

Best time to visit

The artwork in the lane is always changing, and the lane does not have a lot of foot or vehicle traffic, so just about anytime is fine. Dont be afraid to go here during the twilight hours.



There are footpaths all the way from Flinders St Station, and the station has good access from trains, but also buses, trams, taxi, etc.

Where to stay

Where to stay

Anywhere in Melbourne is suitable. If staying outside of Melbourne, it is just a train trip to Flinders St and a 10 minute walk from there.