Our ex-Army U1700L Unimog Servicing notes

This is a collection of our notes on servicing our Unimog U1700L.

3.4 Regular Servicing

This servicing section started to end up monsterous, so I have moved it to a seperate page. I will add details here, and probably short videos. The primary source of information here is the ADF G609 Unimog Servicing Instruction, however I found that you need to look at several documents, and then check Facebook. The ADF used NATO or Military stock numbers and references for inter-operability and Integrated Logistic Support reasons, but these reasons dont apply to the now civilian-ised trucks. I have tried to keep the original details, but add civilian equivalent products and practices.

3.4.1 Servicing Sequence

The following servicing sequence is to be applied:

  1. Technical Inspection (TI) – 5 000 km or 12 months after the last service (this TI is to include a brake and clutch fluid change);
  2. Minor Service – 5 000 km or 12 months after the last TI;
  3. TI – 5 000 km or 12 months after the last Minor Service;
  4. Major Service – 5 000 km or 12 months after the last TI;
  5. TI – 5 000 km or 12 months after the last Major Service;
  6. Minor Service – 5 000 km or 12 months after the last TI;
  7. TI – 5 000 km or 12 months after the last Minor Service; and
  8. Alternate Major Service – 5 000 km or 12 months after the last TI.

I found the above statement confusing. This might help:
0km --- 5,000km Tech Inspect --- 10,000 Minor Service --- 15,0000 Tech Inspect --- 20,000 Major Service (repeat ... but) 40,000

Major Service

Servicing Requirements (based on G609 Unimog all types Servicing Instruction)
Serial Item or Assembly Technical Inspection (TI) Minor Service Major Service Alternate Major Service Capacity (litres) Lubricant
See notes on Lubricants
First Parade Servicing
FP1 Check Engine oil & top up as necessary - - - - 15 SAE GRADE 40, (OMD-115), Castrol RX Super 15W-40 CJ-4/E9 First Parade (i.e. daily) servicing
Unimog U1700 Engine Oil Dipstick and Filler
FP2 Check Coolant Level & top up as necessary - - - - - PGXL (Cummins or Penrite) First Parade (i.e. daily) servicing
Unimog U1700 Radiator Coolant Level
FP3 Check Windscreen Washer Level & top up as necessary - - - - - Water + Bar's Bugs First Parade (i.e. daily) servicing
Unimog U1700 Windscreen Washer fill point
FP4 Check Fuel Level & top up as necessary - - - - - Diesel First Parade (i.e. daily) servicing
FP5 Security. Check Spare Wheel is securely mounted. - - - - -   First Parade (i.e. daily) servicing
FP6 Truck Servicablity. Inspect the truck for any damage, and loose or missing parts. - - - - - First Parade (i.e. daily) servicing
FP7 Tyres. Check tyre pressures and inspect treads and sidewalls. - - - - - First Parade (i.e. daily) servicing
FP8 Leakage. Check under trucks for signs of coolant, oil or fuel leakage. - - - - - First Parade (i.e. daily) servicing
FP9 Crane (if fitted), check that it is stowed, check oil level, and check hoses. - - - - - First Parade (i.e. daily) servicing
FP10 Dump (if fitted),check Oil and top up if necessary, check all hoses. - - - - - First Parade (i.e. daily) servicing
FP11 Air Pressure Check. Start the engine and check that pressure rises above 12bar and light extinguish. - - - - - First Parade (i.e. daily) servicing
FP12 Accessories. Check horn, headlights, stop lights, indicators, hazard lights, windsreen washers & wipers work. - - - - - First Parade (i.e. daily) servicing
FP13 Brakes. Allow the truck to move forward slightly and check that the foot brake works. - - - - - First Parade (i.e. daily) servicing
FP14 Steering. Whilst moving slowly, check that the steering is free and responsive. - - - - - First Parade (i.e. daily) servicing
FP15 General. Check all lashings and tie downs. - - - - - First Parade (i.e. daily) servicing
Halt Parade Servicing
HP1 Engine. Check engine oil and top up as necessary. - - - - - Halt Parade (i.e. after 4 hours, or when stopped for a break) servicing
Unimog U1700 Engine Oil Dipstick and Filler
HP2 Radiator. Check coolant level and top up as required. - - - - - Halt Parade (i.e. after 4 hours, or when stopped for a break) servicing
Unimog U1700 Radiator Coolant Level
HP3 Fuel. Check fuel level and top up / refuel as required. - - - - - Halt Parade (i.e. after 4 hours, or when stopped for a break) servicing
HP4 Tyres. Check tyre pressures and inspect treads and sidewalls. - - - - - Halt Parade (i.e. after 4 hours, or when stopped for a break) servicing
see Unimog Notes Tyre Pressures
Last Parade Servicing
LP1 Fuel. Fill the fuel tank. - - - - - Last Parade (i.e. at end of day or end of trip) servicing
LP2 Engine. Check oil level and top up as necessary. - - - - - Last Parade (i.e. at end of day or end of trip) servicing
Unimog U1700 Engine Oil Dipstick and Filler
LP3 Radiator. Check the coolant level and top up as necessary. - - - - - Last Parade (i.e. at end of day or end of trip) servicing
Unimog U1700 Radiator Coolant Level
LP4 Parking. Ensure the truck is parked correctly, out of gear, forward-reverse out of gear, park brake on. - - - - - Last Parade (i.e. at end of day or end of trip) servicing
LP5 Crane (if fitted). Controls at neutral and crane and stabalisers stowed. - - - - - Last Parade (i.e. at end of day or end of trip) servicing
LP6 General. Ensure truck is clean. - - - - - Last Parade (i.e. at end of day or end of trip) servicing
1 Engine oil - Drain & Refill Drain & Refill Drain & Refill 15 SAE GRADE 40, (OMD-115), Castrol RX Super 15W-40 CJ-4/E9 Unimog U1700 Engine Oil Sump Drain Plug Unimog U1700 Engine Oil Dipstick and Filler
2 Engine oil filter - Replace Replace Replace Unimog U1700 Engine Oil Filter Diagram,
3 Transmission oil - Top Up Drain & Refill Drain & Refill 10.5 SAE GRADE 40, (OMD-115), Castrol RX Super 15W-40 CJ-4/E9 Unimog U1700 Main Transmission Diagram 1 Unimog Main Transmission Diagram1
Unimog U1700 Main Transmission Diagram 2
4 PTO transmission oil - Top Up Drain & Refill Drain & Refill 5.75 SAE GRADE 40, (OMD-115), Castrol RX Super 15W-40 CJ-4/E9 For Mogs with PTO Winches
Unimog U1700 PTO Transmission
5 Front and rear differential oils - Top Up Drain & Refill Drain & Refill 2.5 OEP-220,
Gear oil SAE 90
Unimog U1700 Axle drive differential diagram
6 Front and rear reduction hub oils - Top Up Drain & Refill Drain & Refill 0.6 OEP-220,
Gear oil SAE 90
Unimog Portal axle Hub Reduction gear diagram
7 Park brake lever - Lubricate Lubricate Lubricate XG-291, Castrol Lithium Grease High Temperature
8 Power steering reservoir - Top Up Top Up Drain & Refill 2.25 OX-47, CASTROL AGRI TRANS PLUS 80W Unimog U1700 Power Steering Reservoir
9 Steering system - Lubricate Lubricate Lubricate XG-291, Castrol Lithium Grease High Temperature Unimog U1700 Steering Knuckle
10 Clutch to transmission drive shaft - Lubricate Lubricate Lubricate XG-291, Castrol Lithium Grease High Temperature
11 PTO transmission shaft joints - Lubricate Lubricate Lubricate XG-291, Castrol Lithium Grease High Temperature For Mogs with PTO Winches
Unimog U1700 PTO Winch Diagram
12 PTO winch driveshaft - Lubricate Lubricate Lubricate XG-291 For Mogs with PTO Winches
13 Winch dog clutch shaft - Lubricate Lubricate Lubricate Molybond 122L (NSN 9150- 66-089-5365) For Mogs with PTO Winches
14 Winch mounting pins - Lubricate Lubricate Lubricate Molybond 122L (NSN 9150- 66-089-5365) For Mogs with PTO Winches
15 Winch oil - Top Up Drain & Refill Drain & Refill 2.0 OEP-220,
Gear oil SAE 90
16 Winch fairleads and rollers - Lubricate Lubricate Lubricate XG-291, Castrol Lithium Grease High Temperature
17 Winch rope - Clean & Lubricate Clean & Lubricate Clean & Lubricate XG-291, Castrol Lithium Grease High Temperature
18 Engine brake linkage - Lubricate Lubricate Lubricate XG-291, Castrol Lithium Grease High Temperature Unimog U1700 Engine Brake Linkage
19 Door locks and hinges - Lubricate Lubricate Lubricate XG-291, Castrol Lithium Grease High Temperature
20 Fuel tank - Drain & Refill (Check for Water) Drain & Refill (Check for Water) Drain & Refill (Check for Water)
21 Fuel pre-filter - Clean Clean Clean Unimog U1700 Fuel Pre Filter
22 Main Fuel filters - - Replace Replace Unimog U1700 Fuel Filters Diagram
23 Air filter - Clean Clean Clean Unimog U1700 Air filter
24 Spare wheel carrier operation - Inspect Inspect Inspect
25 Bonnet locks and hinges - Lubricate Lubricate Lubricate SAE GRADE 40 (OMD-115)
26 Accelerator cross shaft and pedal pivot - Clean & Lubricate Clean & Lubricate Clean & Lubricate XG-291, Castrol Lithium Grease High Temperature
27 Tailgate hinges, catches - and latches - Lubricate Lubricate Lubricate SAE GRADE 40, (OMD-115), Castrol RX Super 15W-40 CJ-4/E9
28 Battery compartment - slides - Lubricate Lubricate Lubricate XG-291, Castrol Lithium Grease High Temperature Unimog U1700 Battery Compartment Slide Diagram
29 Battery electrolyte level (bottom of the filler spouts), security and cleanliness of terminals and posts - Top Up & Clean Top Up & Clean Top Up & Clean Spray battery Terminal posts with CRC Battery Terminal Protector.
30 Seat slides - Lubricate Lubricate Lubricate XG-291, Castrol Lithium Grease High Temperature
31 Driving mirrors and window glasses - Clean & Inspect Clean & Inspect Clean & Inspect XG-291, Castrol Lithium Grease High Temperature
32 Tyre pressures - Inspect Inspect Inspect See Tyre Pressures section.
33 Wheel nut security - Inspect Inspect Inspect
34 Spare wheel security - - Inspect Inspect
35 Spare wheel winch operation - Inspect Inspect Inspect
36 Pintle Hook - Lubricate Lubricate Lubricate XG-291, Castrol Lithium Grease High Temperature
37 Tray twist locks - Lubricate Lubricate Lubricate SAE GRADE 40, (OMD-115), Castrol RX Super 15W-40 CJ-4/E9 If fitted.
38 CES - Inspect Inspect Inspect Need to find out what CES stands for.
39 Vehicle jack classification tag - Inspect Inspect Inspect
40 Vehicle fire extinguisher inspection tag - Inspect Inspect Inspect
40 Vehicle cleanliness - Clean Clean Clean
42 Hydraulic oil reservoir - Top Up Drain & Refill Drain & Refill OM-33, Castrol OM-33 Dump Truck only
43 Hydraulic oil filter - - Replace Replace Dump Truck only
44 Hoist cylinder and tailgate trunnions - Lubricate Lubricate Lubricate XG-291, Castrol Lithium Grease High Temperature Dump Truck only
45 Tailgate cylinder - - Clean & Lubricate Clean & Lubricate XG-291, Castrol Lithium Grease High Temperature Dump Truck only
46 Tailgate hinge lever - Clean Clean Clean XG-291, Castrol Lithium Grease High Temperature Dump Truck only
47 Dump system operation incl. locks and gauges - Action Required Action Required Action Required Dump Truck only
48 Engine mounting bolts - - Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task. Inspect the engine mounting bolts for the correct tension in accordance with EMEI Vehicle G 603.
49 Exhaust manifold bolts security - - Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task
50 Valve clearance - - Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task
51 Engine breather filter - - - Replace Tradesperson Task
52 Front and rear axle stabiliser bar mounting bolts security (bracket to chassis) - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task
53 Front and rear strut - securing bolts security (axle to torque tube) - - Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task
54 Front and rear pan hard rod securing bolts security (axle to chassis) - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task. The panhard rod securing bolt is not to be over-tightened. If the bolt is over-tightened, the bush inner sleeve may collapse. Tighten the bolt to 315 N.m.
55 Transmission mounting - bolts security - - Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task
56 Transmission shift - mechanism - - Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task. Confirm the transmission shift mechanism operates correctly and that the expansion plug is present and secure in accordance with EMEI Vehicle G 617-29.
57 Power steering reservoir - - Inspect Inspect OX-47, CASTROL AGRI TRANS PLUS 80W Tradesperson Task
Unimog U1700 Power Steering Reservoir
58 Power steering oil filter - - - Replace Tradesperson Task
Unimog U1700 Power Steering Box
59 Steering system - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task
60 Steering box mounting bolts security - - Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task
61 Compressed air system - including pipes and hoses - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task
62 Drive belts - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task
Unimog U1700 Army Drive Belts Diagram
63 Fuel lines for chaffing, - leaks and security - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task
64 Air filter - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task. Clean the air filter in accordance with EMEI Vehicle A 591-1.
Unimog Air Filter
65 Air system operation - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task.
66 Brake hydraulic system Drain & Refill, then Bleed Drain & Refill, then Bleed Drain & Refill, then Bleed Drain & Refill, then Bleed 1.0 OX-8, CASTROL AGRI TRANS PLUS 80W OX-8 is a rust inhibiting hydraulic fluid. Tradesperson Task.
Unimog U1700 Brake fluid Master Cylinder
67 Brake system operation - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task.
68 Brake pad wear - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task.
69 Clutch hydraulic system Drain & Refill, then Bleed Drain & Refill, then Bleed Drain & Refill, then Bleed Drain & Refill, then Bleed 0.2 OX-8, CASTROL AGRI TRANS PLUS 80W OX-8 is a rust inhibiting hydraulic fluid. Tradesperson Task.
70 Clutch system operation - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task.
71 Tray to chassis mounting bolts security - - Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task.
72 Cab to chassis mounting bolts security - - Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task.
73 Engine brake operation - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task.
74 Generator mounting bolts security - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task.
75 Brake caliper shroud securing bolts security - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task.
76 Fuel pre-filter - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task.
77 Accelerator linkage and pedal stop bolt - - Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task. Remove the accelerator cross shaft cover. Clean and lubricate the shaft. Inspect the accelerator pedal for the presence of an accelerator stop bolt. If the stop bolt is not fitted, modify the accelerator pedal in accordance with EMEI Vehicle G 617-4. If required, set the throttle linkage in accordance with EMEI Vehicle G 603 (adjust as required).
78 Radiator coolant - Inspect Drain & Refill Drain & Refill Tradesperson Task.
Inspect and pressure test the cooling system in accordance with EMEI Vehicle G 603.
Unimog U1700 Cooling system Radiator diagram
79 Suspension components - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task.
80 Drive shafts and universal joints - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task.
Unimog Main Transmission Universal Joints
81 Cabin heating and ventilation system filter - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task.
Clean the air filter in accordance with EMEI Vehicle A 591-1.
Unimog U1700 Heating Cabin Ventilation Filter Diagram
82 Spare wheel winch and cable - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task.
83 PTO driveshaft - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task.
84 Winch dog clutch operation - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task.
85 Winch mounting pins - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task.
86 Winch operation - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task.
87 Winch rope and CES recovery items - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task. The winch rope is to be cleaned using mains pressure fresh water. The winch rope is not to be cleaned using high pressure cleaners. Once cleaned, the winch rope is to be inspected in accordance with EMEI Vehicle D 108 prior to lubricating. A winch rope that is fully functional can be wound back onto the winch drum. The recovery items, e.g. chain, shackles etc that are part of the vehicle CES are to be inspected in accordance with EMEI Vehicle D 108. Inspection of the winch rope and recovery CES items is a part of this check/service and must be completed if the vehicle is to be classified ‘Fully Functional’.
88 Winch torque limiter - - Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task. Calibrate the winch torque limiter in accordance with EMEI Vehicle G 619-29.
89 Tyres - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task. Inspect the tyres in accordance with EMEI Vehicle A 298-2.
90 Wheel alignment - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task. Carry out a wheel alignment in accordance with EMEI Vehicle G 603.
91 Body/chassis condition - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task.
92 Seat belts, mountings and inertia reel operation - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task. Inspect the seat belts in accordance with EMEI Vehicle A 548-1.
93 Headlight alignment - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task. Carry out the head light alignment in accordance with EMEI Vehicle G 603.
94 Operation of lights, gauges, warning lights and horn - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task.
95 Tailgate/sidegate hinges and hinge mounts - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task. Inspect all tail/sidegate hinge pins and mounts for signs of damage, deformation and cracking. Check the hinge pin and hinge gap in accordance with EMEI Vehicle G 609-7.
96 Safety chain mounts secure and complete - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task.
97 Pintle hook - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task. Inspect the pintle hook in accordance with EMEI Vehicle A 049-1.
98 NATO plug operation - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task.
99 Vehicle jack - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task. Inspect the vehicle jack in accordance with EMEI Workshop H 149-1.
100 Hydraulic oil pump and mounting bracket - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task. Dump Truck Only.
101 Hydraulic oil pump drive - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task. Dump Truck Only.
102 Tailgate locking switch - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task. Dump Truck Only.
103 Dump system operation incl. locks and gauges - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task. Dump Truck Only.
104 Airlines, hoses, bushes and clamps - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task. Dump Truck Only.
105 Hoist cylinder mounting - bolts - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task. Dump Truck Only.
106 Hoist valve connections - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task. Dump Truck Only.
107 Tailgate cylinder - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task. Dump Truck Only.
108 Tailgate hinge lever - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task. Dump Truck Only.
109 Hoist valve mounting bolts - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task. Dump Truck Only.
110 Chassis sub-frame mounting bolts - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task. Dump Truck Only.
111 Dumpbody - Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task. Dump Truck Only.
112 Crane useability Inspect Inspect Inspect Inspect Tradesperson Task. Cargo with Crane Only. The crane is to be inspected for useability in accordance with EMEI Vehicle A 028-1 and serviced in accordance with EMEI Vehicle G 629.
113 Road test Action Required Action Required Action Required Action Required Tradesperson Task. All variants. Road test the vehicle in accordance with EMEI Vehicle A 029-2.

3.4.1 Check Engine Oil

3.4.2 Greasing

The Unimog is old school, and it requires greasing of many points. A few users on Facebook report that this is not as simple as it sounds. One user reported that they purchased a Makita grease gun kit, only to find that "it does not clip onto the nipple properly and none of the grease actually got into where it needs to go." Several users indicated the need for quick release coupler and flexible high pressure whip hose. The amount of grease points / volume of grease makes little 'hand grease pumps' fairly hard work. Most owners appear to have gone for a battery powered grease gun.

3.4.3 Change Engine Oil

3.4.4 Check / Change Portal Oil

3.4.5 Check / Change Transmission Oil

3.4.6 Replace Oil Filter

3.4.7 Replace Fuel Filter

3.4.8 Replace Air Filer